

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Well, hello again my natural lovelies!  It has been a number of days since I posted last and it looks like I've kind of bitten off more than I could chew by attempting to blog 31 days straight in the 31WriteNow Blog Challenge...<sigh>...I don't think I can even catch up without doubling up (or more) on posting each day.

I want my blogging to me a 'natural' thing and not 'contrived' and somehow I feel that's what it would be if my goal was just to keep up with "the numbers" and "quota".

I loved the idea of this challenge and I do want to blog more.  I used to blog about homeschooling my children and I loved it but as my blog grew and my readership grew, the time devoted to blogging grew.  That means the time that needed to be spent on my growing family, household, etc. decreased so something had to give and my blogging had to give way to the more important things in my life...my husband and children.

So now I'm back to blogging about my hair journey and I've decided to participate in this challenge.  I have always been one to not 'volunteer' so readily to projects, groups, community activities and such b/c I've seen time and time again where I wasn't able to keep the commitment I signed up for yet I know this is all in fun.  I'm not going to stress over it.

I've been contemplating if I should set up a 'schedule' to blog but I'm leary of that b/c I don't seem to do well on what seems like to me to be a 'regular, regimented scheduled interval'; at least not for blogging.  Being on such a schedule can potentially take the joy out of the whole writing process for me.   For life's more important events I can be regular and regimented because the need calls for it.   I feel I enjoy a more "as I'm inspired" type of blogging yet that can seem inconsistent.

I will chalk it up to the fact that I'm not just on a natural hair journey but I'm also on a 'blogging' journey where I'm learning more about myself as a "writer", more about the creative/writing process and learning and growing in this area.

Whatever the case, I have enjoyed blogging so far.  I've enjoyed sharing my hair journey and sharing my thoughts and I will continue in that vain.I've also enjoyed reading other blogs and connecting with other bloggers and getting to "know" them through their writing.  This also can be time consuming so I've gotta find a way to strike a balance in my computer time to do all the things I enjoy doing online.

I started typing this post with the intention to talk about detangling my hair but I got into all this and it has morphed into it's own "post"...

So I'll conclude by saying  to all who take the time to read my posts and comment/interact with me on my blog (or youtube or instagram or google+).  I also want to say for following me on my hair(and blogging) journey.  I so appreciate you all and value the time and effort you spend on reading my thoughts and for helping me to grow as a writer.


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